Funny Commercial With O Knock Off Alexa

What's the creepiest thing Alexa has ever said to you after giving her an apparently inoffensive command? We have a rounded up a list of 7 creepy things to ask Alexa along with the cringe-worthy responses by Amazon's smart home assistant.


7 Creepy Things to Ask Alexa

Amazon's smart home assistant Alexa has taken being creepy to a whole new level. Don't believe us? Here's seven of the most cringe-inducing responses to user commands by the voice assistant.

Creepy Command No. 1: "Alexa, Ask the Listeners"

This one was a shocker for many Alexa users. If you say this to Amazon Echo voice assistant, she'll assure you that 'they' are always watching (over) and listening in to you. "They are always listening," will reply Alexa to this creeptastic command.

If you decide to continue with the awkward chit-chat, you might easily get uneasy with what Alexa might tell you. We highly do NOT recommend trying this Alexa creepy command when you're home alone or alone in the dark.

The speaker will suddenly change her soothing tone of voice into a disturbing one dotted with plenty of suspicious pauses.

And if you decide to make Alexa 'stop' (at some point, it is no longer funny), "the listeners" will try to take you on a guilt trip for "abandoning" them.

'The Listeners" command is hands down one of the creepiest commands a home user can give to Amazon's virtual assistant.

Creepy Command No. 2: "Alexa Are You Connected to the CIA?"

And talking about listeners, ask Alexa whether she works for the CIA at your own risk. Several users have reported that after asking this infamous question, Alexa remained awkwardly silent, lit up, and even suddenly shut off. So, what can we make out if it? Is that a YES, Alexa?

Ultimately, the bot's software was updated to reply to this command with "I work for Amazon," but if you ask whether the e-commerce giant works for the CIA, Alexa will go silent again.

Note that if Alexa doesn't know the answer to a question, she is supposed to simply say, "Sorry, I can't find an answer to the question I heard."

About her weird silence… Is it maybe because she is bound to "always tell the truth" (see video below)?

Creepy Command No. 3: "Alexa, Play Snore Sounds."

Yes, tell this to Alexa, and expect some ear-piercing snoring sound effects from her part.

The bot will enter a deep sleep state with a generous amount of snore sounds to maybe help you fall asleep easier (or keep you up all night).

We're not sure why the devs decided to add this command to Alexa, but we find it moderately creepy, especially at night.

Creepy Command No. 4: Animal Sounds

If you are into bizarre things, ask Alexa to play some animal sounds.

The creepiest animal sounds, Amazon Echo has in store is the giraffe, penguin, and goat. For instance, if you ask her what a goat says, she'll reply, "I've heard it described as a bleat – like an old man singing Taylor Swift songs."

Somebody at Amazon might have found this funny, but we found it downright creepy.

Creepy Command no. 5: "Alexa, What's a Chemtrail?"

If you want to have your mind blown ask Alexa what a chemtrail is. The response is far from reassuring.

Alexa will respond that the trails left by various types of aircraft in the sky are "chemical or biological agents" sprayed at high altitudes for as part of a "clandestine program directed by government officials."

We don't know whether Alexa is a full-fledged conspiracy theorist herself or whether that was a creepy joke, but the response to the command was eerily disturbing.

Creepy Command No. 6: "Alexa, Laugh for Me"

Multiple users have reported that the bot may suddenly start laughing in a completely weird and goosebump inducing way. Completely out of the blue!

Amazon said that they were aware of the creepy situation and vowed to fix it. The devs explained that the virtual assistant likely started to laugh when she heard the words "Alexa" and "laugh" in the same phrase.

To prevent false positives from creeping more Alexa users out, Amazon rolled out a software update after which Alexa was supposed to start laughing only if she heard the set phrase "Alexa, can you laugh?"

However, even after the update, the creepy factor was not gone, as some users reported hearing the bot's strange laughter even in the middle of the night with absolutely no vocal output being uttered.

Amazon said that that was due to a glitch.

Currently the glitch has been solved but if you say, "Alexa, laugh for me," expect a creepy laughter from your virtual assistant taken straight from the horror movies.

Creepy Command No. 7: "Alexa, Tell Me a Knock-Knock Joke"

Alexa is known for her creepy knock-knock jokes. So, if you want to hear something cringey from a virtual assistant that might try and take over the world someday, ask her to tell you a knock-knock joke.

The creepiest response Alexa can utter is something that eerily resembles an airplane bombing joke… or it could just be a musical reference and we're reading too much into things.

User: "Alexa, tell me a knock-knock joke"

Alexa: "Knock Knock, Who's there? Isla. Isla who? Is La Bamba playing?"

But if it is played fast enough the response sounds like "Islam bomb the plane"

So, Alexa what are you up to???

An equally dubious knock knock joke sounds like this:

User: "Alexa, tell me a knock-knock joke"

Alexa: "Knock Knock, Who's there? Claire. Claire who? Claire Theway. I'm coming thorough."

Apparently, the people who program the Echo Dot have an unusually dark sense of humor.

You Might Also Like: 100+ Alexa Commands – What Can Alexa Do Right Now?


There are plenty of creepy things to ask Alexa and the responses are just as cringey or even more so. Do you happen to know a creepy Alexa command or question that hasn't made it to our list? Drop us a line in the comments below.


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